Thursday, June 12, 2008

Food, 080612

Unintentional intermittent fasting today, didn't eat breakfast and my lunchbreak is non-existent, hence no food until around 4:45ish.

4:45 - Rich & Sassy Salad, with pork, bacon, cheese, potato strings, and honey dijon dressing.

6:00 - Wild Sockeye Salmon Caesar Salad

8:30ish - Handful of french fries, carrots with ranch dressing.

So in case it's not obvious, I'm not worrying about strict paleo foods right now, instead I'm focusing on eliminating one group at a time -- currently proccessed grains. Dairy, tubers and dressings will probably go in the future, but for now they'll keep me sane.

Rest day, Michael tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008




205lbs (failed)

I love deadlifts! If I can do 185 for 3 reps, I'm looking forward to what my 1 rep max is! Maybe I'll be at 225 soon?

Edit: Odd, I just plugged my 3 rep max into a calculator and it says my max should be 196, when I can pull at least 205, if not 215 on a good day for one rep! I must have more strength to endurance or something, weird!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

135 pound Squat clean, 7 reps,
15 Handstand push-ups,
for time.

Modified the HSPU, feet supported by a 3' box, and the cleans were with 75lbs. At the end of my first set I thought "Ok, maybe 3 rounds instead?" but by the end of the third I wanted to do all 5, just so I could say I did. Was dizzy and barely able to walk afterward.

Time: 14:24

Sunday, June 8, 2008

"Failure to thrive"

In the Crossfit Journal, March 2008, there was a particular video article that hit me. In it, Nicole Carrol (a personal hero) talks about the "failure to thrive" trainers see in clients, and how this is usually related to nutrition. I can attest to this process, I've experienced it! When I started Crossfit I felt great and was making so many gains in strength, but I've plateaued and I'm to the point where I only rarely do the main page WOD.

So I'm going to start them again, with a goal of at least 3 main page WODs a week.